Approach 1: Optimal

class Solution:
    def findMinHeightTrees(self, n: int, edges: List[List[int]]) -> List[int]:
        # Handling the last edge case
        if n == 1:
            return [0]
        adj = defaultdict(list)
        for n1, n2 in edges:
        edge_cnt = {}
        leaves = deque()
        # Find leaves, i.e, nodes with only one neighbor or one edge.
        # Keep track of edge count for the rest.
        for src, neighbors in adj.items():
            if len(neighbors) == 1:
            edge_cnt[src] = len(neighbors)
        while leaves:
            # Given constraints and given graph with no cycles, there can only
            # ever be one or at max two root nodes with minimum height.
            if n <= 2:
            # Loop to snap the leaves one by one.
            for i in range(len(leaves)):
                node = leaves.popleft()
                # Snapped this leaf so decrement the count
                n -= 1
                # Since we snapped this leaf, we should update the edge count of
                # its former neighbors
                for neighbor in adj[node]:
                    edge_cnt[neighbor] -= 1
                    # If neighbor's edge count becomes 1, it's become the new leaf
                    # so add it to the queue for next outer loop.
                    if edge_cnt[neighbor] == 1:
        return list(leaves)


Time: TODO
Space: — where is number of nodes.


Given the constraints and given there can be no cycles, the graph can only have at most root nodes with minimum height and no more.


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